Extreme luxury! Enjoy freely! Recommendations of hot spring hotels for a one day trip. Enjoy autumn falling leaves and hot spring to moisture the skin.

Red leaves view is the theme of Kyoto in autumn. Since temperature turns into cold, so if tourists can enjoy spring in the cool days is surely the fun of Kyoto trip. Here follows are the recommended spring hotels that can enjoy hot spring and autumn foliage at the same time. Considering different planning of the trips, there are spring hotels for overnight and the spring for 1 day trip.。

Here below are the recommended hot spring resorts for overnight, can fully enjoy the happiness of spring and beauty of Kyoto red leaves.

A hidden inn

During red leaves season in Kyoto, you will find over crowded everywhere. To release such irritable pressure, this inn has less than 10 rooms. Visitors can cure the tired body and mind, especially after visiting the crowded temples for red leaves.

Rakuyoso (Kyoto・Okazaki)

It is located near the landmark of red leaves screen of Kyoto. Heian Shrine is also named as “Energy spot” (means spot to absorb energy). That is an inn which spread elegant atmosphere. It is an old building from Taisho period (1912-1926 AD), originally a villa of Yamashina Graf, turned to be an inn after re-decoration. In autumn, from the window of hot spring, can see the beautiful autumn leave sceneries.

The red leaves hostel with own open hot spring

■Arashiyama Benkei (Kyoto Arashiyama)

Arashiyama, was being the favorite place of Kyoto nobles in Heian period (794-1185 AD), there were lots of villa. Among them, Arashiyama Benkei can be said as an unique one. There is an open hot spring surrounded by red leaves. Visitors can observe red leaves 360 degree. Wash the tired body, clear up your mind and feel the traditional charm of Kyoto. Furthermore, there are elegant Kyoto foods. Surely let you have a satisfying Kyoto trip.

Hot springs that fit for 1 day trip

Because the stroke is too short, it is difficult to stay in Kyoto. But indeed it is not necessary to give up enjoying hot spring. Here followings are the recommended places where can be arranged for 1 day trip (go and back in the same day). Let us slowly raise our body temperature by hot spring water and release the exhausted body from sightseeing in the speedy travel steps. At the same time of Kyoto tour, enjoy hot spring one day trip.

■Kurma-onsen (Kurma Hot Spring, Kyoto)

It is located at Kurama district that is at the end of the North Kyoto, generally from mid November you can see the whole mountain is dyed into bright color by autumn leaves in every year. Around the open hot spring, can enjoy colorful autumnal leaves. Let the warm spring water recover the strained cold body. Because here only provide hot spring service and is able to stay overnight. It is suitable as staying point and visit red leaves spots in Kurma district afterward. [hr][/hr]

■Sagano Onsen Tenzan-no-yu

Get off at Arisugawa Station from Keifuku Railway Arashiyama line, and walk for 5 minutes can reach here. Since there is close to the famous red leaves spots at Arashiyama and Sagano, it is a convenient hot spring hotel. There are 2 kind of hot spring, Kinkaku-yu and Yinkaku-yu. They are the high class and gorgeous. When hot spring water runs down from the back body, people will get revel. [hr][/hr]


It is located nearby Kinkaku-ji. Its name is the synonym of Kyoto sightseeing spot. Since there can let travelers come to relax physically and mentally after sightseeing, this hot spring with reasonable price becomes famous. The outdoor hot spring is a natural one, the quality of the hot spring water is pure and eatable salt, hot water with salt keeps temperature and is difficult to cool down. It is very suitable to warm the body after traveling cold season. [hr][/hr]

■Ashiyu (hot spring for feet) at Arashiyama Station

Though it is the topic of “1 day trip hot spring”, indeed it is an ideal place to let everyone enjoys warming the feet under the blowing autumn wind. The place is very convenient as it is just inside the Arashiyama Station. This is the same hot spring water in Arashiyama hot spring for “feet bath”. To use this facility, buy the Ashiyu ticket at tourist center in the station first. The fare is 200Yen, and towels will be provided. It is a very good service. In the same time to admire and leave by taking Randen Railway, also use spring water to warm the feet and feel the Kyoto under autumn.