
  • 2018年9月13日

A must for the fall foliage visiting list every year- Red leaves at Eikan-do

The proper name of Eikan-do is Zenrin-ji Temple. In Heian period 853AD, it was built by the disciple of Kobo-Daishi, Shinshou. The former of Zenrin-ji was the villa of nobleman Fujiwara No Sekai. In the waka (Japanese poem) collection“Kokin Wakashu”, it mentioned Fujiwara No Sekai had praised for the red leaves sceneries here by waka. After then, “Autumn Maple at Eikan-do”turned to be another name of here. Here becomes the place for maple for long time ago.There are about 3000 tress in Eikan-do, like maples, acer palmatum, common smoke tree etc. Specially introduce the sceneries from Hojo-ike pond (releasing life pool) to Pagoda at the side of the mountain. Not only autumn colors can be seen around Hojo-ike pond, also the reflections of the fall […]

  • 2018年9月13日

Enjoy red leaves in a train. The red leaves tunnel and Eizan Railway

Eizan Railway starts from Demachiyanagi Station, 2 different final destinations: Kurama Station and Hieizanguchi Station. The “Red Leaves Tunnel” is in between Ichihara Station and Ninose Station of Kurama direction. There are about 280 Full-moon acer japonicum trees and acer palmatum maple trees at both side of the track. When train passes through, it is a nice scenery. There are more information about the fall foliage and red leaves tunnel of Eizan Railway. Take the train at Eizan Railway, when the train goes in between Ichihara Station and Ninose Station, passengers can see the red leaves tunnel automatically. Please be reminded that since seats are places oppositely. Therefore it is difficult to take the beautiful pictures. Suggest standing behind the driver or sit aside the […]

  • 2018年9月13日

Just like a framed red leaves sceneries! Fall foliage of Enkouji Temple in Kyoto

Enkouji Temple was built by the monks from the Ashikaga Gakko (Japan’s oldest academic institution) asked by Tokugawa Ieyasu. There was turned into a temple for nuns after revolution of Meiji. Travelers can enjoy red leaves at 2 gardens. The pond & fountain promenade garden “Ten Bulls Garden” was built in Edo period. It is a well-known place for maple leaves. “Ten Bulls Garden” was built according to the theme of“Ten Bulls  of Zen”that spread widely in late Kamakura period to Muromachi period. “Ten Bulls  of Zen” was formed by 10 different pictures. It talked about the steps of awareness for mankind minds. They were: 1. In Search of the Bull, 2. Discovery of the Footprints, 3. Perceiving the Bull, 4. Catching the Bull, 5. […]

  • 2018年9月13日

Well known for Japanese costume dramas. Fall foliage of Hogonin Temple at Kyoto

Being Tatchu sub-temple of Tenryu-Ji Temple, Hogonin Temple becomes famous because of “Shishiku Garden” which borrowed Arashiyama as background. Among the red leaves viewing places in Sagano, there is named as No.1. Shishiku Garden was set up by the monk Sakugen Shuryo in Muromachi period. The name “Shishiku ” is from when Buddha Gautama teaching text, his outlook was so grave and serious that like a roaring lion. Inside Shishiku Garden, there is a lion shaped rock, another rock like a carp jumping against the pouring water of a waterfall, and 3 Buddha statues of Gautama, Manjushri and Samantabhadra. Views more than 200 red leaves trees can be found. Before end of autumn season, visitors can enjoy falling red leaves in the garden full of […]

  • 2018年9月7日

The words of Ishikawa Goemon turned it be famous- Fall foliage of Nanzen-ji Temple in Kyoto

Nanzen-ji Temple was rebuilt on the Rikyu Zenrin-ji Temple of Emperor Kameyama. In the request of Emperor Kameyama, Mukan Fumon, the Daimyo Kokushi (the monk title offered by Emperor) set up this temple. A lot of maple trees were planted in Nanzen-ji. So come to see the red leaves of Nanzen-ji this year. Around main gate Sanmon and along the pilgrimage’s path from Sanmon to main hall, travelers can enjoy the scenery that the chief thief at Sengoku period, Ishikawa Goemon sighed as “Extreme pretty!”. Around the Lake Biwa water divisions that built with red bricks in arch sharp, all are good places for taking red leaves photos. The Honboteien (Garden) is also called as Toranokowatashi. A traditional Japanese garden set up with white sand […]

  • 2018年9月7日

Have a visit in 2018! The most popular temples in Kyoto – Fall foliage in Kiyomizu-Dera Temple.

One of the most famous sightseeing place in Kyoto, it is rare not to go here. However, since the main hall is under decoration, visitors may be less than before. So why don’t take a visit of Kiyomizu-Dera Temple this year? The red leaves in here are also famous. The decoration of the main hall will be finished until March of 2020. The major project must work with scaffolds to renew the roof. It affects the outlook of the main hall, but still can visit the Kiyomizu Stage. In the area about 1000 red leaves trees. The valley named Kinun Kei and red leaves sceneries of Kyoto is able to be observed on Kiyomizu Stage. If you want to take Kiyomizu Stage & Kinun Kei […]

  • 2018年9月7日

Let us see the red leaves in Fushimi Inari-taisha Shrine, the most popular tourist spot in Kyoto

Fushimi Inari-taisha Shrine is the No.1 sightseeing point in Kyoto in view of foreign visitors. But there is not that famous for fall foliage views. However, when you see the sceneries of red leaves here, you will be shocked. Around Fushimi Inari-taisha Shrine also has many places for red leaves, suggest take a visit too! Whenever thinking Fushimi Inari-taisha Shrine, will immediately think about the red color Senbon Torii (thousand torii). It is located near the main door. Take photos of it together with red leaves. Every picture will be beautiful. Both sides of the pilgrimage’s path to the main hall are also good for red leaves photos. Nearby Okusha Hohaisho will get the path for hiking. They are called as Oyama Meguri. There are […]

  • 2018年9月7日

Do not miss the lighten-up night tour. Fall foliage in Kodai-ji Kyoto

As reputed as representative of “Good wife”, Nene (Hikari no Tenshi) the proper wife of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, built this temple for the blessing to his husband. With feeling of the elegant manner of female in Kodai-ji, it is also a place to enjoy autumn foliage. In Gari Youchi pond which originated by Kobori Masakazu who was famous in Sengoku period. Here to take photos of reflections of red leaves called as reversed red leaves. You can also have nice pictures of autumn foliage in Kaisando, Kangetsudai and Engetsu Pond and the garden at the back. In the Hashintei of the monk master courtyard & Chokushi-mon agte, there are digital lamplights projecting every year to express different themes. It is rather new idea compared with those […]

  • 2018年9月7日

Should not be missed when traveling in Kyoto, the autumn foliage of Tofuku-ji

Tofuku-ji is the place that must be listed for visiting red leaves in Kyoto yearly. The name of Tofuku-ji was taken from one word of Todai-ji & Kofuku-ji of Nara. This group of giant temples was built by Kujo Michiie (1193-1252). The first monks master was Enni. Around there are 25 Tatchu sub-temples. A lot of visitors will come here in red leaves period. Let us offer more red leaves news about Tofuku-ji this time. [hr][/hr] Where is the best place to take red leaves photo in Tofuku-ji? In Tofuku-ji, there are 2000 maple trees that were planted by Enni who learnt from Sung Dynasty. They were named “Tsuten Momiji”. The most popular red leaves tourist spot is Tsutenkyo Bridge(通天橋)where links up the main Honbo […]